
Church briefs: Oct. 11, 2008

Church briefs: Oct. 11, 2008
Editor’s note: Send church-related news items to Church news, Tribune-Star, P.O. Box 149, Terre Haute 47808; community@tribstar.com (e-mail); or (812) 231-4321 (fax). Items must be received eight days before Saturday publication. Please include a contact name and phone number. If sending an event announcement, please list time, date, address and cost; notices will be published the Saturday prior to the event.
St. Stephen’s Episcopal
Services Sunday in the historic church at 217 N. Seventh St. include Eucharist at 8 and 10 a.m. The children’s nursery opens at 9:45.
Camaraderie, coffee and conversation are planned in the Great Hall after services.
For more details, visit www.st-stephens-th.org or call (812) 232-5165 Tuesday through Friday.
? There is no children’s church school this week because of the holiday weekend.
? The new pictorial directories are available in the Great Hall.
? There is a bus sign-up sheet in the Great Hall for those that want to attend the 171st Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese Worship Service, Eucharist and Deacon Ordination at the Victory Theatre in Evansville on Oct. 26. Debbie Veach will be ordained that Sunday morning before she begins serving at St. Stephen’s.
Dunlap United Methodist
The Dennison, Ill., church plans its annual bean dinner from 4 to 7pm CDT today. A freewill offering will be appreciated.
The church is 1/2 mile west of State Line on U.S. 40 then 1/2 mile north to the church.
Blessed Hope Baptist
Attention parents and teenagers. The church in rural Jasonville is hosting “Youth Alive ‘08” Sunday through Wednesday. Sunday and Wednesday services will take place in the church on Indiana 59, 1/4 mile south of Jasonville while the Monday and Tuesday night services will take place at the Linton Armory on Indiana 54 in Linton. Our football theme is “Get Your Game On!” The services will start at 7 nightly and end at 8:30. The services at the armory will include free food, competitions, prizes (including autographed Peyton Manning gear, Xbox 360 with Madden ‘09, NFL Jerseys, footballs and more!). Any area league or public school football player who wears his jersey will receive a special prize. Reno Likins, a renowned youth speaker from Hot Springs, Ark., will be the guest each evening. Everyone is invited and transportation is available by calling the church at (812) 665-3282.
Saints Home
Church of God in Christ
The church will have an anniversary service for the pastor and his wife on Sunday. This will be to honor Bishop Mark H. Blade and Dorothy M.O. Blade for their 47 years of service in the ministry. The speaker will be the Rev. Samuel Diggins of South Bend. The service will begin at noon. There will be no admission charge, however a freewill offering will be taken.
The church is at 2210 N. 13th St. For more details, call the church at (812) 232-3283.
Greenwood Baptist
The church at 2431 S. First St. will observe its 115th annual homecoming service on Sunday. Sunday school begins at 9:30 a.m., followed by the homecoming service at 10:30. The Rev. David Smith will bring the message for the morning worship service. A progress and history report will be presented by Charity Church Mouse. Friends and family of the church will provide special music. A carry-in dinner and fellowship will follow. There will be no evening service.
United Methodist Temple
Traditional worship begins at 8:45 a.m., followed by Sunday school for all ages at 10 and contemporary worship at 11.
The Rev. Alan Rumble will preach from the books of Galatians 5:15, Psalms 105:4 and Acts 10:38, titled “Three Simple Rules.”
This week Pastor Rumble will present the children’s message.
Kids Own Worship is a worship program for children age 4 through third grade. Children will be dismissed from the sanctuary following the children’s message to attend Kids Own Worship.
For your convenience child care will be provided for both worship services and Sunday school in the nursery.
We are collecting food to assist the families of the14th and Chestnut Community Center. All donations many be dropped into the barrels in the Narthex.
For a ride to church call the church office from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and leave a message on ext. 10.
Sunday school classes for all ages begins at 10 a.m.
Youth fellowship for youth in middle and high school begins at 5:30 on Sundays.
For more details visithttp://www.terrehauteumtemple.org/ or call (812) 299-1898.
Centenary United Methodist
The congregation of Centenary at 301 N. Seventh St. in Terre Haute’s Arts Corridor and adjacent to Indiana State University, welcomes all to the 134-year-old church. “Prayer and Praise Time” begins at 9 a.m. with the Rev. Paul Wagner preach on “Failure” and listen to Bill Cain’s organ mastery and the Chancel Choir, directed by Dr. Scott Buchanan, singing “Sorrow to Joy” (by Joseph M. Martin). Refreshments and fellowship time follow the worship service from 10:30 to 10:45 a.m. Sunday school classes are offered for all age groups and nursery care is provided. At 10:45 a.m., B. J. Dodson will teach and lead discussion in the Adult Friendship Class on “Expansion of the Community” (Acts 6:1, 8-15); Steve Hardin and the Rev. Phyllis Peters will lead discussion on “Christian Response to Poverty” in the College Age Class; the Sojourner Class will be discussing “The Sixth Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery”’; and Rev. Wagner will lead the study of Chapter 7 in the 1st Letter of John in the Pastor’s Class.
The church’s Seventh Street entrance is handicapped accessible and ample parking is available behind the church. Also, please consider joining our “Prayer and Meditation Time” on Thursdays, 11 a.m. to 12 noon. Chancel Choir rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings at 6:15 p.m. and Handbell Choir rehearsals, directed by Jennifer Shuck, follow at 7:30 p.m. For information about Sunday School, special music events and participation opportunities, call the Church office any day, at (812) 232-2319. Centenary is a place where you can bring your love of God and share your joys and sorrows with caring members of Christ’s church.
Berean Baptist
The 9:30 a.m. Bible Study Hour will feature Lauren Lopez teaching the Junior Class. The Teen Inquirers leaving the church at 9:20 a.m. for Burger King where they will learn of Christ as they ask questions concerning faith in Him. A simple, but helpful Bible lesson for the adults will be taught in the auditorium class.
At 10:30 a.m. Pastor Larry Lilly will preach a sermon titled, “Why Jesus Prayed For You.” This sermon is Bible based and sheds light on the fact of the intercessory prayer of Jesus for you, though it was uttered long ago. This sermon has helped many and it just may be one that will help or encourage you in some way.
The Sounds of Victory, John and Lauren Lopez and Judy Marsh will present special music.
At 6 p.m., Larry’s sermon is titled, “Hath God Said?” This sermon designed to increase trust in the Bible helps to lay a firm foundation for faith and could be the beginning of some answers if you are wondering about “God and all that.”
The Ladies Trio and Heather Lopez will present special music.
The church is at 6770 N. 37th Street, Terre Haute.
Second Missionary Baptist
The congregation of Second Missionary Baptist Church at 1400 Oak St. invites you to worship with them in celebrating Pastor Cleytus D. Malone’s 29th Year Pastoral Anniversary. The celebration will be on Oct. 19. The guest speaker for the 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. services will be Pastor Roy H. Sweatt of Mount Zion Baptist Church from Bowling Green, Ky.
Unity Presbyterian
Worship service at 1207 E. Springhill Dr. is 10:30 a.m. Pastor Linda Peters sermon is “Can We Change God’s Mind?” Read Psalm 106:1-6,19-23 and Exodus 32:1-14. This week the church will pray for Fuqua Elementary School and for the month of October Columbia theological Seminary, Decatur, Ga.
Amie Ellison is our choir director, Andrea Marlow is our organist. Choir rehearsal is at 7 p.m. each Thursday 10 a.m. Sunday.
Every Thursday evening, the public is invited to Praise and Potluck: Praise at 6 with dinner at 6:30.
For information, call the church office at (812) 299-2206 or visithttp://www.unityth.com/.
If you or someone you know needs food please call the Salvation Army or the church office.
Central Christian
Disciples of Christ
Our worship service will begin at 9:30 a.m. and include a “Children’s Moment.” Children (and adults) of all ages are invited to participate. In the Rev. Rebecca’s absence, this week’s message will be brought to us by the Rev. Phil Ewoldsen. Communion is served every Sunday, and all believers are invited to partake. Worship will be followed by a fellowship time with drinks and donuts. Please join us at 4950 E. Wabash Ave.
We are in the midst of our Fall Stewardship Campaign and Celebration “Living The Vision,” and this will be lifted up in worship each Sunday this month.
Sunday School will begin at 11 a.m. Classes are offered for all ages. The Rev. Rebecca is leading our adult Cornerstone Class in a new series “Living The Questions.” This series will include video presentations, handouts, and discussions. Nursery care is provided during worship and Sunday school.
A Book Club Discussion Group is meeting weekly to discuss “Lamb” written by Christopher Moore. The group meets at 7 p.m. each Tuesday at the church.
The church office or our minister can be reached at (812) 877-9959. The church Web site ishttp://www.cccthdisciples.org/.
St. George’s Episcopal
On Sunday, the Rev. Dr. Lorraine Coufal will lead Adult Christian Education from 9:15 to 9:45 a.m. in the parish hall. Her topic will be “Simple Prayers with the Sick.” Coufal also will be celebrant for Holy Eucharist, Rite II, which begins at 10 a.m. in the sanctuary. There will be Prayers for Healing during Holy Eucharist.
St. George’s Episcopal Church, “the friendly little church on the hill,” is located at 1337 N. Smith Place (on Ferguson Hill), West Terre Haute. For more information contact Kelly Hammonds, bishop’s warden, (217) 826-5439; kellyjo829@yahoo.com or go to www.stgeorgeswth.indydio.org.
Coufal was ordained a priest in 1993 at Calvary Cathedral, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. In 1998, Coufal, originally from Nebraska, moved to Indianapolis where she is a staff chaplain at Indiana University Medical Center of Clarian Health Partners. She has been in chaplaincy since 1975 and has been chaplain in acute care hospitals, regional centers and psychiatric hospitals. She also was director of pastoral care at Sacred Heart Hospital in Yankton, South Dakota.
Coufal has doctor of ministry, master of divinity, master of pastoral ministry and master of arts in teaching degrees.
Coffee hour with food and fellowship follows the 10 a.m. service. All are welcome to attend Christian Ed, Holy Eucharist and coffee hour.
Memorial United Methodist
The church is at 2701 Poplar in Terre Haute.
At 8:00 a.m. Sunday, Partners in Prayer meet in the chapel with the pastors to pray for their work with the church and for their personal and professional needs.
8:45 a.m.: We invite you to our traditional service. The ******ure this week will be Exodus 32 1-14. Rev. Scott Johnson’s sermon will be: “A Stiff-Necked People.” After all the God had done for the Israelites in freeing them from the Egyptians, one would think that they would have been eternally grateful and faithful. But, they weren’t. In fact, they were pretty quick to turn on and away from God. It took Moses’ logically pleading to get to God to spare them. It’s a good thing we don’t act they them … or do we?
9:45 to 10 a.m.: Fellowship and coffee time.
10 a.m.: Sunday school begins for all ages. Childrens lesson will be: “God Calls Abraham” (Genesis 1: 3-10).
11 a.m.: Casual worship service. If you missed the early service, please join us for this one.
First Unitarian
Congregation of Terre Haute
1875 Fruitridge, Terre Haute , IN
Tel: 812-232-1193
Email: uuputer@yahoo.com
At 9:15 a.m Sunday “Amniotic Fluid, Virgin Birth, Original Sin” will be the topic of the Rationalist Free Thinking Discussion Group, which includes members of the congregation as well as members of the community. The group discusses current socio-political events and trends.
Also at 9:15 a.m., The Wisdom Circle will meet in the educational wing.
Enjoy hymns from the Soma Rev. Amy Kindred SA Richard House.
Based on the title of a hymn written by Jody Nagel for Dr. George Wolfe of Ball State University, this sermon explores the Vedic origins of the modern day Christian Eucharist. The soma plant, believed by only a few researchers today to have been an actual plant, is rich in its mythological representation of experiences related to mystical teachings. The history of the soma reveals a bridge between the Hindu and Christian faiths.
Enjoy soup and salad after the service.
Please bring a dish to share and stay after the service to enjoy food and fellowship.
A board meeting is planned at 7 p.m. Sunday. For more information, visithttp://www.terrehauteuu.org/ or call (812)-232-1193.
Maple Avenue United Methodist
Worship services will be at 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Rev. Monty Barker invites you to hear this week’s sermon titled “What Is Our Example, Christ or Human?” with ******ure lessons Philippians 4:1-9 & Matthew 22:1-14. Favorite hymns as well as contemporary praise choruses will be sung. At the 10:30 a.m. service the children’s sermon will be given and an anthem will be sung by the Maple Avenue Chancel Choir. The Adult Sunday School Fellowship is at 9:30 a.m. and the Children’s Sunday School will meet during the 10:30 a.m. service. Nursery care is also provided during the 10:30 a.m. service.
Pick up your Jonah Fish Fry tickets which are available at the church during office hours. The Jonah Fish Fry will be from 4 to 7 p.m. Oct. 18.
Maple Avenue UMC will be hosting the annual “Howling Good Time” Halloween Party on from 5 to 7 p.m. Oct. 25. This is free. Kids and adults will take part in and receive awards for the costume contests in categories of Scariest, Most Creative, Funniest. Games, prizes, hamburgers and hotdogs will be given out to all.
For more information on Maple Avenue United Methodist Church, visit www.gbgm-umc.org/maple_ave_umc/ or call (812)-232-7263.
Copeland Chapel C.M.E.
Copeland Chapel C.M.E. Church is at 1543 Elm St. in Terre Haute. The Rev. Kenneth E. Moore is pastor. For more information call (812) 232-7679 or e-mail Kenmoore4@aol.com.
On Oct. 26, Copeland Chapel C.M.E. Church will be celebrating its 78th anniversary. The scheduled program will include the preaching and teaching of the Rev. Bennie Floyd at the 11 a.m. service, and our guests at the 4 p.m. service will be Pastor Lovie Brown along with the Murchinson Temple Church family.
We are currently accepting ads that will commemorate the church’s 78th year. Please forward your ads to Copeland Chapel no later than Oct. 20, so that they will appear in our anniversary ad. A full page is $100, a half of a page is $50, a fourth of a page $25, business cards are $15, and patron listing is whatever your are willing to give. Please enclose any greetings, well wishes or words of encouragement that you would like to include. Make checks payable to Copeland Chapel.
The First Spiritualist
Pastor Karen Buchholz invites you to join us in the celebration of the communication with God and the good souls on the other side. Our church has been active in this community for over 25 years.
We invite everyone who believes that God spoke in the Bible and continues to communicate with us today. Services are at 10:30 a.m. with traditional hymns, sermons of the Bible, healing circles and messages. Classes will start on Sundays after service and on the fourth Sunday, we have a pitch-in supper after service.
A special event coming up is a Fall Psychic Fair. It takes place 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oct. 11. There will be multiple readers, hands-on healings, lectures, and we will have candles and essential oils for purchase. Admission is free and readings are only $20 for 15 minutes. Half the proceeds are going toward future events for the church.
The church is at 1120 Sixth Ave. Contact Suzy for more information at (812) 232-5758 or (812) 243-2670.
Central Presbyterian
The church (125 N. Seventh St.) will gather Sunday for worship at 10:30 a.m. Pastor Davis’ sermon, “Do Not Worry about Anything,” will be based on Philippians 4:1-9. During the service, new members who have been received by the session will be introduced to the congregation, and the sacrament of baptism will be celebrated. Sunday school for all ages begins at 9:30 a.m. A time of light refreshment and conversation follows immediately after the worship service, downstairs in Fellowship Hall. Nursery care is provided. The church office will be closed for Columbus Day on Monday. Our Celebrating Life group will meet at the church at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday for a program presented by Jessie Back. For those who have made reservations, the Ladies Day Out tea party will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the home of Kathy Mellor. For more details, call the church office (812) 232-5049 or visithttp://www.thcpc.org/.
Christian Science
Are you struggling with an illness or a bad relationship? Are you worried about finances?
You are invited to attend a service which will explain how to find healing, peace, and abundant supply by learning about your oneness with God, who created man and woman in His image.
This service will be at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday at First Church of Christ, Scientist, 329 S. 6th St. Sunday school for young people up to the age of 20 also meets at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday services are 7:30 p.m., during which a brief sermon on our relationship to God is followed by time to express gratitude for our many blessings.
If you would like to learn more about Christian Science, you can visit our public Reading Room at the same address from 11 a.m. to 1p.m. Wednesday through Friday.
Mount Pilgrim
Missionary Baptist
The church at 1935 Tippecanoe St., will have a free giveaway from 8 a.m. until noon today on the church grounds. Cancellation if it rains.
Smith Park United Methodist
At the 9 a.m. worship service on Sunday, pastor Ed Gladish will speak of the invitation to the wedding feast offered by Jesus in Matthew 22:1-14. A blend of traditional hymns and choruses will create a joyful worship experience.
ASK (After School Kids) will continue to explore God’s Big Back Yard at 4 p.m. on Wednesday. The children have served their family, friends, and this week their neighbor.
Children kindergarten through sixth grade are welcome. The congregation and pastor of the “church that cares” invite you to participate with them in their effort to take the community for Christ. The church is at 1512 N. Smith Place, north of West Terre Haute on Ferguson Hill.
First Baptist
A Traditional Service is at 9 a.m. and an informal service at 11:15 a.m. This Sunday, the Rev. Bernie Jackson will continue a four part sermon series “Blessed Be the Lord God Almighty” and the topic for this week is “Mary’s Song” with ******ure text from Luke 1:39-56. The anthem at the first service will be an arrangement by Joel Raney of “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms” and a duet, “My Soul Magnifies the Lord” will be sung by Chad & Jennifer White at both services.
This is also Golden Age Sunday as we recognize all of those persons who have been members of First Baptist Church for 50 or more years. Forty Golden Age Members will be recognized at the 9 a.m. service and a brunch will be held in their honor at 11:15 a.m. Children in grades K-3 are dismissed from the 9 a.m. service for Children’s Church. Sunday school, with classes for all ages, is at 10:15 a.m. and preschool activities are available throughout the morning.
The Fall Family Festival will be 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. Sunday at the Shriners Country Place at 4500 E. Temple Ave. The church will provide ham and beans and each family is asked to bring a covered dish to share. There will be hayrides, yard games and plenty of food and fellowship.
The church is at 4701 E Poplar Drive and further information is available athttp://www.thfbc.org/.
Emmanuel UMC
Join us this Sunday morning for Sunday school at 9:15 and worship at 10:30. Pastor Karen Bray will be starting a new sermon series titled “5 Practices of a Fruitful Congregation — Passionate Worship.”
Emmanuel is a host site for Angel Food Ministries, where you can place an order for a “unit” of food, usually $65 worth, for only $30. The deadline for ordering a unit in October is Sunday.
The delivery date is Oct. 25. Angel Food offers new Senior Boxes for $28. They are 10 perfectly seasoned, nutritionally balanced, fully cooked meals. For questions or placing an order, call the church office.
Ladies Aid will meet at the church at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday. Come join the ladies for lunch, fellowship and devotions.
The Youth at Emmanuel will be providing the entire Worship service on Oct. 19. Come and support them.
